Zoom Virtual Men’s Fellowship
Every Second Saturday @ 9:00 a.m.
Every Second Saturday @ 9:00 a.m.
We hope that you will join us for our Men’s Fellowship which will help us to hear God’s Word and allow us to stay in touch with one another during this very difficult time. The meeting will be held via videoconference using Zoom Cloud Meetings. Dial In Access details are below. Please join us at 9:00am.
Video Conference Instructions:
Click on link below and put in Meeting ID Number 2673125900 and Click Join.
Join a Meeting – Zoom
Password: 6055
Dial In Phone Number and Access Code To Use:
Dial-in Number: (929) 205-6099 and you will be prompted to enter the Meeting ID Number: 2673125900 followed by # sign 6055
If you have any questions, please contact Rev. David Jackson
What is the Men’s Ministry?
The Men’s Ministry at Second Baptist Church exists to introduce men to Jesus Christ, enhance spiritual development and to encourage godly character in their daily lives.
Helping men reinforce their commitment to Christ, church and family.
Motivating men to practice their ministry at home, at work, and in the community.
Designing service programs and projects that will fully utilize men’s gifts.
Encouraging men to take a lay leadership role in their church.
Encouraging men to claim their roles in local, regional and national missions.
Helping men to be more aware of their God-given talents and gifts.
Helping men become more aware of the meaning and purpose of their church membership.
Encouraging men to think in the terms of service to others.
Encouraging every man to be a prayer partner for his pastor.
Why do we need a focus on men’s ministry? Why now? As I see it, churches are the only ones who have the power to attack the scourge of fatherlessness that has drifted into the fabric of our society. 40% of our children do not live with their birth father. The times are tough and this is our chance to take action for God, to restore fatherhood and reconcile families. We must act. For the sake of our children, we must.
There are ten things men can do to rid the land of this scourge of fatherlessness. No, these are things men must do to restore family to its rightful place.
- Men must place a high priority on being involved in their children’s lives, while accepting the responsibility for their security, health, and growth.
- Men must understand that parenthood is a joint-project and that one of the most important tasks in a man’s life is to stay faithful to, and respectful of, the mother of his children.
- Men must learn to give “the legacy” to his children-to give his collected wisdom, his observations on life, his blessing, and sense of humor.
- Men must spend time with other men of similar priorities and beliefs. Only by working together will they find the strength needed for the journey. Every man needs a mentor, an encourager, and an apprentice.
- Men must tell the story of God-the stories of God’s transforming power. A man’s testimony of how God has worked in his life is a father’s most powerful message to his family.
- Men must teach their children the virtues of life (shape their character). Fathers must set the boundaries, enforce the boundaries, and live within the boundaries, themselves. It takes consistent attention, compassion, and living examples of
- courage to develop strong character.
- Men must learn to accept honor. Father’s Day is a great opportunity for churches to honor responsible and involved fathers in the church.
- Men must learn to give honor. They must resolve and affirm the connection with their own fathers. Our children’s future depends on our ability to honor our past.
- Men must restore the practice of blessing the children. Youngsters need to know that Dad believes in them, that he claims them, that he is proud of their talents, and that he has a vision for their future.
- Men must keep their personal, spiritual journey active and alive. A stale spiritual life will create distance from family and a general sluggishness in life
- It’s time to take action. The cultural shift is all around us. It’s time to stop blaming and complaining, and start doing something to help men-it’s past time.
“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5